Sunday, August 29, 2010

Like the new layout?

I know I do! :DDD

I decided to update my blog. Sem break started couple weeks back and I'm hanging around FULL TIME!! hahahah. Lemme know if you wanna Jalan-jalan.

Since my hols started till now, I've been busy!!
The latest? A little kitty I call Teacup. :DD He's so small and cute. I think it's a he btw. hahahah
I found him outside my house in the "jungle". Anyways, I wanted to keep it desperately, but cause it's too small I didn't.
To feed this fella, you'd need a bottle, cat milk formula and stuff like that. Don't forget vaccinations and visits to the vet.
I gave Teacup to my neighbours. He's so cute. I felt so sad giving Teacup away, but at least I get to see him running around, he gets a good home and more importantly food. hahahha My neighbour is two doors away. :DDD

I'll miss his mewing whenever he sees me. :D HE'S SO CUTE!!! In little Agnes' words, "It's so fluffy I'm gonna DIE!!" Teacup was fluffy giler. Agnes would die!

Eunice W.

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