Saturday, September 22, 2007


Just another nice random pic. It looks nice?

I just came back from Denise's party. Her Birthday party! So Happy Birthday to Denise and Boey!! You're both 16 and in the U.S, you can start driving... In Malaysia, you can ride the motorcycle.... hahaha.

I enjoyed her party.... It was more interesting than I thought. I mean at first, in my head, I'll go say Happy birthday, stay a while and go. But I stayed, so don't judge an invite by it's.... whatever. It was very interesting, and I mean INTERESTING...... HAHAHAHAHAH.

Anyway, seeing that May Lyn and I were the only representatives from Puteri Ampang, they had decided to make us eat some stuff la. Cause there was a game and we did not hit the amazing 'bad lucked" jackpot. Well, I did kena it la, but I sang what. So those fellas went and mixed chocolate whatever it was, with fish, EXTREMELY SMELLY cheese and Tobasco sauce. On a normal basis, I'm okay with cheese and I enjoy some but.... that mixture was so bad I really.... want to puke. And May Lyn and Birthday girl tried it. I have no idea how they survived. Haha! I got away with it, even though they tried. Good job on the trying part, barring my way, opening the door and cornering me. Crap... Although, I'm happy i got away with it.... hahah.

What really made me not want to eat the stuff.... was those guys who were in the room, they said it looked like shit, smelled like it too... And looking at the chocolate.... and fish..... Ugh.... Utterly DISGUSTING.

Tomorrow is Sunday! Church and all that... Means I should sleep. I thank God for the great day, cause my relatives came over earlier in the day, Enjoyed their company. haHA. Hopefully, I'll update my blog more often.

Oh, and 2 eggs cost 60 cents... It's supposed to be expensive? I had no idea. Had a great time baking with my niece... hahah. Was great cookies.


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